Building Brand by Creating Memories

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By: Dr. David Bridwell, People Scientist and Jake McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer

If we were to go and ask people about their thoughts on the largest brands in the world, many would be able to report about their experiences and memories that they have with that brand. For example, if you think about McDonalds for a moment, you might be able to recall a number of different experiences and memories that you had with them, including their now phased-out clown mascot, the distinct yellow and red tables and chairs, or their salty fries. 

As a brand grows, the number of memories that consumers have with that brand increases and often memories and brand growth work alongside each other. This means that marketers themselves can play an active role in helping to form certain memories or concepts that consumers can have about brands, and the consumer’s engagement with the brand can turn around and increase the chances that they can recognize and buy the product. 

The relationship between brand size and the number of associations is well illustrated by an important report that came out from Ipsos called Brands Don’t Buy Brands – People Do. And as discussed in the CMO Minute video above, from a memory perspective, the more we experience a brand in different contexts the more likely we are to be reminded of it and to think of it in buying situations. 

So how can marketers develop a rich set of mental associations for their brand? Here are some tips.

Start out with a clear idea. It takes many years for brands to become richly associated with memories in people’s minds. Start with a single clear message and take the time to communicate that single clear message to audiences in your marketing materials. This simple concept can serve as the initial starting point for consumers to continue along the purchase funnel, where they can develop richer personalized experiences. 

Stay present. Memories begin to go away if there aren’t cues to keep them in mind. That’s why it’s important for marketers to continue to stay present and to continue to stay top of mind to consumers. 

Get creative. Creative advertising is more effective at generating business results because it more effectively aligns with the way consumers process information. Creativity makes it easy for audiences to engage with advertisements and take in the single clear message that you seek to communicate. 

Aim to reach the largest number of people. Once you have a single clear message that’s expressed with great creative, it’s important to send that message out to as many people as possible. This helps your brand begin to be recognized and become familiar with audiences, which is the first necessary step before they can get more invested in your brand or product.

Taking these steps into account can help begin to build a rich array of experiences and memories surrounding your brand. At Intermark Group, we leverage psychology and neuroscience insights to help make sure that advertisements have the most impact. We work with you at all levels of the campaign, from strategy, creative, production, and media, and more. Feel free to give us a call at 833-578-1314 or email us at [email protected] to discuss how we can help with your marketing challenges. In addition, sign up for our newsletter to stay in touch with the latest insights in marketing psychology.