Driven. Positive.
Fostering creativity
and innovation
We’re not interested in average work. And we’re more than a marketing agency.
Intermark shapes success by applying psychological leverage to group imagination and data liberation. We’re mind hackers who want to understand how people’s brains operate – using consumer psychology to your advantage to build your brand …
Because your success, is our success.

Our Culture
where does it come from?
Intermark shapes success byapplying psychological leverage to group imagination and data liberation. Ourapproach is special and evident in three aspects of our culture:
Psychological leverage: We create through the lens of psychological influence.It’s the underpinning behind all our work. Our insight team is composed of Ph.D. behavioral psychologists, computer scientists and brand strategists chargedwith discovering why people think and behave the way they do and how to leveragepersuasive psychology to drive results.
Group imagination: Our motto is “Carpe Crastinum”: Every day we unite toreimagine tomorrow. Intermark unites media, creative, strategy, analytics, PR,mobile, social, promotion, event marketing, CRM, in-house broadcast productionand interactive to shape brands for the modern marketplace. Here, our team’s integrationis integral to creation.
Data liberation: Everyone talks about big data, but data atrophies fromlack of use. We’re data liberators. Our analytics enable real-timedecision-making so our clients can take immediate action. At the office, dataisn’t hidden in a back room. It’s literally projected and updated every tenseconds on our walls.
Our noble purpose
We’re out to help marketers really get people, so people get what they really want from marketers.