better science leads to better CREATIVE.

Our newest offering – Intermark Neurolab – is an extension of our award-winning psych approach, empowering brands with deeper intelligence to drive truly persuasive advertising.

As the nation’s largest psychology-driven marketing agency, Intermark Group constantly explores new ways to leverage behavioral science to create cognitively disruptive campaigns for clients.

Utilizing a blend of biometric technology, Intermark Neurolab allows brands to record the electrical activity of consumers’ brains and monitor visual and cognitive patterns in connection to various forms of advertising.

  • How long does it take customers to find a specific product on your website?
  • What aspects of your marketing do customers view, and how much time do they spend on it
  • What’s the state of consumers’ mental arousal? (e.g., concentration, boredom, cognitive overload)
  • Which types of visual information do consumers ignore (but are supposed to respond to)?

A powerful behavioral analysis tool, Intermark Neurolab has the potential to help brands make inferences about consumer reactions.