Intern Q&A

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At Intermark, we believe internships are one of the best ways to gain experience and develop your professional skill set. Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from Sam, this summer’s Digital Insights Intern, to see what an Intermark internship is really like.

Why did you choose to do an internship after graduation?

I chose to intern with Intermark Group because of the unique opportunity it presented. If this was an internship where you fetch coffee or are assigned busy work, the opportunity cost of postponing my career would have been too great.

Instead, from the moment our intern cohort walked in the door, we were tasked with working as a team to solve complex problems for a national brand.

This was a perfect opportunity for me to hone the holistic skillset my liberal arts, business education taught me: critical thinking, creative problem-solving, verbal and written communication, and analytical capabilities.

Additionally, my department manager and colleagues spent the last three months onboarding and developing me as a marketing and analytics professional with sharpened skills in SEO and SEM to name a few.

I don’t think of it as an internship, rather a training program that has given me (and will certainly give you) a competitive advantage in the job market both short and long-term.

What was your favorite part about Intermark’s internship?

My favorite part about working at Intermark was the people. The talent here includes a diverse, motley crew – and everyone’s (even the interns’) ideas are respected.

That culture is important to me because in the modern business world some of the hardest problems have been solved with diverse perspectives and viewpoints. There often isn’t a black and white, clear cut direction to solving problems – certainly true of the client we were assigned – and our answers are often only as great as the different strengths of the talent.

Do you have any advice for next summer’s interns?

My advice? Be a sponge – absorb as much information and knowledge as possible. Go the extra mile by looking for ways to make a positive difference – whether it’s internally or in the community. And have fun – both with your department and intern teams.