Gratitude in Marketing: The Psychology Behind Mother’s Day Campaigns

Behavioral Science

Gratitude in Marketing: The Psychology Behind Mother’s Day Campaigns

By: Dr. James McFarland, People Scientist In the context of marketing, gratitude can be a potent tool for building brand loyalty and fostering customer engagement. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I’d like to take a moment to explore…


By: Dr. James McFarland, People Scientist As the sun thaws the winter chill and flowers bloom, an important ritual emerges: spring cleaning. For millennia and across cultures around the world, this annual purge has represented more than a mundane chore….

Social Influencers vs. the Meta-Analysis

By: Dr. James McFarland, People Scientist I know we’ve covered the value of social media and impact of influencers in the past, but the release of a new meta-analysis on this topic brings fresh insights and evidence to the table. So we’re…

Game On: The Power of Gamification in Modern Marketing

By: Dr. James McFarland, People Scientist In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing and maintaining the attention of consumers is no easy feat. Traditional marketing strategies are evolving to fit this modern landscape, and businesses are seeking innovative ways to engage…

The Power of Touch

By: Dr. James McFarland, People Scientist This week we are going to talk about physical touch. No, wait. That sounds cringey. I mean, we are going to explore the incredible power that touch has over us as human beings… Hmmm, that didn’t help. Let’s just say physical touch can play a safe, constructive, and legitimate role…

Are Your Prospects/Customers Ignoring You?

As marketers, we often talk about the importance of attention, and rightfully so. But we also need to talk about what might cause consumers to avoid paying attention to your message.

State of Fear: Adapting Marketing Strategies to the Stressed Consumer

For nearly three years now, consumers around the world have been struggling to acclimate their lives to the ‘new normal’ (whatever that may mean) set in motion by the announcement of a newly discovered strain of coronavirus in late 2019.

A Tale of Two Consumers

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… Okay, maybe that is a bit much for an opening, but stay with me here, Charles Dickens’s famous novel, A Tale of Two Cities, might have more in common with the psychology of modern-day consumers than first meets the eye.

Masstige and Happiness

Okay, who here is familiar with the term “Masstige?” Don’t feel bad if you aren’t. It’s one of those five-dollar terms that makes you sound smart at dinner parties. A term that your Econ 101 instructor may have used at some point, but the passage of time (yes, let’s go with that) has since erased its meaning from your college memories.

Connecting With The Disconnected (Part 2)

In our previous blog post, we covered the effects of ostracism on today’s consumer and how warm and “cuddly” messages (including images of teddy bears) can reduce those lonely feelings and help build brand preference and loyalty. This week we are diving even further into some of the best scientifically proven ways to connect with those who are feeling disconnected.