They Clicked the Ad, Now What?

Marketing Psychology

They Clicked the Ad, Now What?

Neilson recently released a report showing that one the things we care about, “clicks”, has a low correlation with a lot of other things that we care about as marketers.

Intermark Helped Physicians Mutual Launch Their New Brand Campaign

Physicians Mutual has launched a new brand campaign aimed at reclaiming the joy that comes from entering retirement.

Why Companies Need Strong Brand Marketing for Growth

We recently held a webinar where we discussed the balancing act of branding and sales. This is an internal struggle faced by many marketers as they seek to be successful long term while also demonstrating short term results.

For Brand Growth, It’s All About the Mind of the Customer

Mature companies go through many steps as they progress from startup to maturity. Although each company is different as they grow, one underlying truth seems to remain the same—what got you here won’t get you there.

CMO Minute: Empathy is the Marketing Emotion for 2021

To be the most effective, the emotion that marketers need to show in 2021 is empathy.

Safe Vaccines: How can we use behavioral science to get everyone onboard?

Covid vaccines are finally starting to arrive. In order to achieve herd immunity, the United States will need 70% to 80% of the population vaccinated against Covid-19.

The Power of Storytelling and Psychology in Marketing

When we think of ways to influence people and change society, we often first think of new innovations and advancements in technology. However, considerable changes often happen in society not with external changes in technology, but with internal changes in our psychological perspective.

CMO Minute: When it comes to vaccines, marketing lessons still apply

We often recognize that marketing problems boil down to changes in perception and behavior. But what’s less often appreciated is the fact that our understanding of changes in perception and behavior can actually be informed by what we know about marketing.

The Psychology of Nostalgia Marketing

Nostalgia marketing can allow us to quickly and deeply connect with an audience. It often generates positive emotions and positive moods, which makes the audience more receptive to your message and more likely to remember your message.

The Psychology Behind Sounds in Marketing: Sonic Branding

Marketers often focus on communicating information through visual mediums like TV screens, phone screens, print advertisements, and billboards. But by focusing so much on vision, we often overlook the important information that sound can convey about brands.