Why We Pay Attention to TV

Marketing Psychology

Why We Pay Attention to TV

Marketers are keenly interested in the amount of attention received by their advertisements, yet they’re also aware that attention is difficult or sometimes impossible to measure.

How to Increase Ad Recall

Research from the University of Amsterdam affirmed that viewers who were exposed to ads where a specific product was shown had higher recall and affinity for the product shown in the ad. Of course, this doesn’t come as a surprise and we’d hope to see that exposure would make an impact.

Why That Ad Sucks: Marketing and Memory Science

Only 16% of advertising is remembered and correctly attributed by consumers. Yes, you read that right. Consumers don’t remember the majority of ads they see, and when they DO remember the ad, they can only identify the brand 40% of the time (Sharp, 2010).

Two Key Components to Marketing Success

We’ve been talking a lot about the role of distinctiveness and differentiation in marketing lately. And rightly so, since these two components critically work together to create effective ads and help brands grow.

Inflation and Price Increase: What Marketers Need to Know

Recent Google Trends data shows a huge spike in individuals searches around the term “inflation.” At the same time, many marketers are aware of increases in pricing within their organization as a result of factors such as the packaging, production, transportation and supply of goods.

How the Availability Heuristic Hurts Your Marketing Strategy

As marketers, it’s critical that we’re able to get an accurate read on customer behavior and customer psychology.

What Do Influencers Look Like in 2021?

Influencer marketing has increased in popularity over the last ten years along with the increased use of social media platforms. But does it make sense to talk about influencer marketing the same way today as we did a few years ago?

Consumer Psychology and Google’s New Search Algorithm Update

In the latest news, we’ve learned about yet another change to the Google algorithm that we can look forward to. The update was originally scheduled to be rolled out in May, but it’s now extended out to mid June.

5 Key Steps To Building Brand

Over the pandemic, we saw a huge move into digital and lower funnel marketing channels. Many companies were focusing on holding onto their short term marketing efforts at the expense of brand building.

Contextual Marketing: Where Messages Make An Impact

Google and Apple are phasing out user tracking through third-party cookies, and many marketers are thinking about alternatives. One interesting alternative, that we haven’t discussed yet, is contextual marketing.